Green Building & Green Infrastructure: Sedums are the solution!
There has never been a more important time for green building and green infrastructure and incorporating nature into the next generation of projects. With their colorful blooms and foliage, low maintenance requirements, and drought tolerance, Sedums are the plant of choice for most extensive green roofs. They have a proven performance record despite the harsh conditions of a green roof.
Finding the right plant for the right location isn’t a lofty ideal for these projects; it’s essential to their success.
Etera’s Sedum Tile are not just for green roofs
The same qualities that make Etera’s Sedum Tile the go-to solution for green roofs also make it a great choice for on-grade landscape projects. Instant coverage combined with low maintenance makes Sedum Tile an easy solution for landscapes. Give us a call to talk about your next project.
![Samuel Hoefler](http://www.etera.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/QG6A1409_3.png)
Samuel Hoefler
Head Grower / Farm Manager
![Ashley Gilbert](http://www.etera.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/QG6A9985.png)
Ashley Gilbert
Account Manager / Office Manager
![Jose Gonzales](http://www.etera.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/QG6A1407_1.png)
Jose Gonzales
Production and Crew Leader
![Cameron Melcher](http://www.etera.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/QG6A1395_1.png)
Cameron Melcher
Production Assistant / Shop Mechanic